“Smudging” is a ritual way to cleanse a person, place, or object from negative energies, spirits, or influences. The ceremony involves
burning special sacred plants and either passing an object through the smoke or fanning the smoke around a person or place.
When using a sage bundle, you light the end of the bundle with a match or a candle and then extinguish the flame. The sage should
smolder, not burn. Fan the smoke using your hand or a feather.
When you have finished cleansing, extinguish the sage in a fireproof container or with a little water. You can use a sage bundle many
times. It is a beautiful ceremony you can do as often as you like.
Size: Approximately 13-15 cm long and 3-4 cm wide sage in a bundle.
The size may vary slightly with different deliveries
Lotus –
High quality and lasts a really long time!